The Bible Missionary Magazine

The Bible Missionary Magazine

The Bible Missionary is the world-wide magazine of the Bible Missions of the United Kingdom, Asia-Pacific and the Americas. It is published quarterly and contains reports of preaching work taking place throughout the world, news and items of interest from mission areas, letters and articles, as well as exhortational series aimed at helping and encouraging brothers and sisters in their lives in Christ

Articles for The Bible Missionary are welcomed by the Editor, Steve Jefferies.

An archive of Bible Missionary Magazines can be found here.

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October 2024 – No. 254

Print Edition Subscription
(2025 prices)

This is an annual subscription for four magazines, published quarterly.

United Kingdom:

  • £10.00 per year including postage.

Payable to: Christadelphian Bible Mission
Contact: Simon Miles


  • AU$22.00 per year including postage.

Payable to: The Bible Missionary Magazine (for credit cards, include expiry date)
Contact: Bible Missionary Magazine

New Zealand

  • NZ$22.00 per year including postage.

Payable to: The Bible Missionary Magazine (for credit cards, include expiry date)
Contact: Bible Missionary Magazine

Canada and USA 

  • Canada: CAN$24.00 per year including air mail postage.
  • USA: US$22.00 per year including air mail postage.

Payable to: Christadelphian Bible Mission
Contact: CBM Canada

Electronic Edition Subscription

The annual subscription for the online electronic edition is £5.00.

An annual subscription provides you with access to four editions of the magazine. When you subscribe, you will be granted access to the current edition of the magazine.

Click here to subscribe to the magazine.