The most northerly of the Baltic states, Estonia gained independence from the Soviet union in 1991. The economy is undergoing a profound transformation with a rapidly-growing private sector and increased foreign trade with the West. Estonia joined the EU in May 2004.
Population: 1.3 million.
Language: Estonian.
Main religion: Protestant (Lutheran).
Link man Mike Roberts
CBM activities 5 visits are planned throughout the year. Activities are based on Tallinn, Tartu and Pärnu with occasional visits elsewhere. We meet a good number of Estonian and Russian interested friends, mostly at Tallinn.
Web site
Ecclesias None. 10 members in total.
Estonian literature
Contact Malcolm Smith
E = Available in Estonian; R = Available in Russian

Correspondence courses:
- CBM 12-lesson course (R)
- CBM 18-lesson course (E)
- CBM 40-lesson course (E)
- Bible Words (E)
- Parables of Christ (E)
- Studies in Genesis (E) (R)
- The New Life in Christ (E) (R)
- The Things We Stand For (R)
- And Now For The Good News (R)
- Creation – or Accident? (R)
- Do You Believe in a Devil? (R)
- Hope for a Hopeless World (R)
- Is there a God? (R)
- Jesus – God the Son or Son of God? (R)
- One Bible, Many Churches (R)
- Preparing for Baptism (E) (R)
- The Resurrection of Christ – What it means to You (E) (R)
- The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (R)
- War, Aggression and the Christian Life (E) (R)
- Who are the Christadelphians? (R)
- Why Baptism Really matters (R)

- A New World Coming – God’s Kingdom on Earth (E)
- Baptism – its meaning and importance (E) (R)
- Bible Companion/Reading Plan (E) (R)
- Daily Discipleship (E) (R)
- Fellowship on the way to the Kingdom (R)
- God is Talking to You – Listen Carefully (E)
- God the Creator (E)
- God’s Promises – Past Present & Future (E) (R)
- Heaven and Hell – What does the Bible Teach? (E) (R)
- How to be saved – Bible Describes God’s way of Salvation (E)
- Israel and the Second Coming of Christ (E)
- Jesus Christ – Son of God (E)
- Life after Death – What does the Bible Teach (E) (R)
- My Beliefs (E) (R)
- One Bible, Many Churches – Why? (E)
- Resurrection & Judgement (E) (R)
- Sin and Salvation (E)
- Suffering – Why does God allow it? (E) (R)
- The Bible – Guidebook for Life (E) (R)
- The Christian Life (E)
- The Devil – Who or What is it? (E) (R)
- The Devil and Sin (E)
- The Holy Spirit (E) (R)
- The Holy Spirit – God’s Special Power (E)
- The Jews in God’s Purpose (E) (R)
- The Promised Land (R)
- The Return of Jesus Christ to the Earth (E)
- True Baptism (E)
- What Christadelphians Believe (E) (R)
- Why did Jesus Christ have to die? (E)