To find out more about the work of the CBM and where Christadelphians meet in Africa, click on the country on the map or on the name of the country in the list below the map

West Africa
Africa contains a vast diversity of physical and cultural conditions and a wide range of religious beliefs. There are many problems – physical, economic and political. Yet the problems can be exaggerated and there is considerable potential for preaching.
The first person to be baptised in West Africa was Bro Godwin of Nigeria in 1957. In 1982, ecclesias were established in Nigeria and Ghana, and there were also Christadelphians in Cameroon. By 1996 there were over 700 Christadelphians in 40 ecclesias across 17 countries.
All this is the result of God’s blessing on the work of many committed correspondence workers and on the work of long-term missionaries who have spent time in West Africa, particularly in the 1970s. Sometimes the direction in which the gospel spreads is completely out of our control – war and persecution cause people to move from one country to another and they take the gospel with them.
East Africa
Preaching has been going on for over 60 years in East Africa, and there is a thirst for Biblical truth and a faith untroubled by the problems of affluence. However, the brothers and sisters suffer from ethnic violence and civil war, desperate poverty and isolation.Considerable progress has been made, notably in Mozambique, where there are nearly 300 Christadelphian ecclesias with a membership of about around 10,000. This is despite the fact that the members speak mainly Chichewa and all English missionary visitors need an interpreter.
Altogether there are in East Africa over 18,000 Christadelphians across 8 countries.

East Africa

West Africa

Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and South Africa are managed by the South African CBM