Central Asia states

These mainly Muslim republics were formerly part of the Soviet union.

Kazakhstan Population: 15 million. Languages: Kazakh, Russian. Main religions: Muslim, Russian Orthodox.
Kyrgyzstan Population: 5 million. Language: Kirghiz. Main religion: Muslim.
Uzbekistan Population: 28 million. Language: Uzbek. Main religion: Muslim.

Link man Iain MacDonald

CBM activities Kazakhstan: After 15 years of being unable to visit Kazkakhstan, due to the authorities banning us as a religion, we have started to make annual visits once again since 2022, on a small scale, visiting brothers and sisters in homes. The Kazakhs still meet in homes in small groups, and when possible will travel across to Russia for in-person Bible school gatherings. There is still a level on ongoing interest from family, friends and neighbours, which means that baptisms continue to take place during visits and at Bible school.

Occasional contacts are made via www.thisisyourbible.com.

Ecclesias Kazakhstan: Astana, Kokchetau, Shchuchinsk, (about 80 members). Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan: Unknown if we still have members there.