Poland was the first country to break through the Iron Curtain in 1989. The free market is now flourishing, especially since Poland has been a member of the European Union. Historically, despite strong Catholic traditions in Poland, there have been non-conformist believers, most notably the Polish Brethren between 1550 and 1650.
Population: 38 million.
Language: Polish.
Main religion: Roman Catholic.
Link man Mark Basten
CBM activities Bible Schools are held regularly using English with local brothers translating.
Web sites www.prawdybiblijne.com
Polish literature
Contact Mark Basten

Basic Bible teaching leaflets:
- Angels
- Baptism
- Coping with poverty
- Devil
- God’s plan
- God’s promises
- Heaven and Hell
- Is God a trinity?
- Jerusalem
- Jesus is coming back
- Life after death
- Resurrection and Judgement
- Should a Christian fight?
- Suffering
- The Bible
- The Christian Life
- The Holy Spirit
- The Jews in God’s purpose
- The Resurrection
- The Root of all evil
- The Sabbath
- What Christadelphians Believe
- What Christians should Believe
- Why did Jesus die?

Bible inserts:
- Angels
- Creation
- Faith
- Fellowship
- Freewill an predestination
- God
- God manifestation
- Gospel
- Hell
- Hope
- Inspiration
- Israel
- Jerusalem
- Jews
- Love
- Marriage
- Prophecy
- Satan and the devil
- Temptation