Population: 40 million.
Language: Spanish.
Main religion: Roman Catholic.
CBM activities Several English speaking members scattered throughout the country. Little response from years of advertising and billing.
Spanish literature
Available from

- Bible Companion
- Statement of Faith
- Declaration
- Preaching the Truth
- Angels – servants of God
- Do you believe in the Devil?
- Marriage today
- Mormonism and the Bible
- The Problem of Suffering
- The rich man, Lazarus and Abraham
- The Kingdom of Heaven – on Earth
- Stand up and lift up your heads
- Does God listen to our prayers?
- Who is Jesus?
- The things we stand for
- The tongues of the angels
- The Christian Life
- Mary, mother of Jesus
- Do Christians need Priests?
- Why is baptism so important?
- Women Priests?
- Sharing in the promises of God

Correspondence courses:
- CBM 40-lesson course with question sheets
- Abraham—Father of the Faithful (HAW)
- The New Life (JM)
- Meditations (FWT)
- Philemon
- Baptism
- The King’s Dream
- The Bomb
- Life and Death
- Peace on Earth—A Certainty
- A Religion that Makes Sense
- Thy Kingdom Come
- Practical discipline
- Additional thoughts on discipline
- Attend to your children
- Teaching children to be responsible